Plan your Trade Shows well/Buy from India

Maximize Your Trade Shows Time Reasons to Attend Trade shows No matter how small your retail business may be, the benefits of attending  trade shows sponsored by vendors or industry associations far outweigh any reason not to attend. These conferences have been developed in order to give retail owners, buyers and managers the opportunity to [...]

Add a touch of style to any ensemble with scarfs@MAVENS’ planet

Scarf or neck-wrap is a piece of fabric worn around the neck usually for warmth, cleanliness, fashion or for religious reasons SOURCED by MAVENS' planet   They can come in a variety of different fabrics and colors. FOR WARMTH-In cold climates, a thick knitted scarf, often of wool, is tied around the neck to keep warm. FOR CLEANLINESS- In drier, dustier warm climates, or in [...]

Handicrafts fair opens new business prospects

Noida : A three-day Indian Handicrafts event in Greater Noida witnessing global participation and bringing the handicrafts industry together ended on a positive note with business enquiries worth Rs 1600 crore being generated and much more in the pipeline.One local handicraft businessman from Noida was of the view that participation in this fair not only [...]

5 Positive Reasons to Use a B2B Marketplace

A business to business (B2B) marketplace offers a venue for traders to collaborate, communicate and conduct business transactions. The B2B marketplace is designed to give large businesses a platform for members to trade and make purchases using the online resources. This helps with increasing the productivity and reach of a company. Here are several reasons [...]

How to Buy Wholesale Merchandise

When buying merchandise to resell, you will be dealing with wholesale products or surplus products. There is a big difference between these two. If you are running a wholesale business, you will increase you chances of profitability by learning how to buy wholesale the right way. If you are using wholesale products, you are more [...]

What Are The Benefits Of Trade Shows To Companies?

Each and every business wishes that their company and their products or services should be publicized and some businesses, who have established their market in the local area, wish to grab the attention of international audience. For these companies, participating in an international tradefair show can be highly beneficial. Even though, this type of participation [...]

How to Start Your Own Successful Fashion Label?

Fashion Sourcing agentsTo start a fashion label one has to deal with many things: Garment production and supplies, networking, marketing and sales as well as starting and running a business. Moreover, for the successful establishment of a fashion label it is usually necessary to have start-up capital and reserves or ongoing additional income. What you [...]

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